pondělí 30. srpna 2010

Cinnamon wafers

Time to share the awesome do-it yourself recipe from more then hundred years ago. Check it out - you won't ever think about stupid cookies again ! :)

6 oz (3/4 cup–170 g) finely powdered sugar (granulated sugar powdered in a coffee grinder)

8 oz (2 cups–230 g) AP flour

1/2 oz (2 heaping tbsp–15 g) ground cinnamon

6 oz (12 tbsp–170 g) butter, melted and cooled

1 egg

10 tbsp–150 ml whole milk (or as needed)

butter for the iron

To make these wafers you need a pizzelle or wafer iron, either electric or stovetop (I used a stovetop pizzelle iron) and 2-3 racks on which to place the cookies to cool.

Sift together the powdered sugar, cinnamon and flour. Add the melted butter and the well beaten egg. Mix well and add the milk, one tbsp at a time. The dough is ready when it has the consistency of drop cookies dough–it has to be scooped by the tablespoon on the hot pizzelle iron. Butter the hot iron plates at first, but then the amount of butter in the dough will make it unnecessary to continue to do so, the wafers come off the iron plates very easily. Each side takes no more than 30 seconds to cook. Place each wafer on a rack (they will harden and crisp while they cool). As soon as they cool place them in an airtight container.

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